Classic Train Collectors
A group of local enthusiasts formed Classic Train Collectors for the commercially-produced model railways of the past.
Many members began their interest with the popular Hornby O gauge clockwork, electric models, or their Hornby Dublo equivalents. Now, they also seek out a wider range of makers, a few of which survive in production, but most have disappeared.
If you are interested in old model trains (tinplate, clockwork or steam), O Gauge models generally, 1 Gauge models, Hornby Dublo, old toys, Meccano or Dinky Toys, you will find much to enjoy in membership of Classic Train Collectors.
Email: classictraincollectors@gmail.com
Märklin Model Railway Club of South Australia
The Märklin Model Railway Club was formed in June 1971 and caters for European outline model railways, running to a HO scale of 1:87. It also participates each year in the Queen’s Birthday weekend Adelaide Model Railway Exhibition at Greyhound Park, Angle Park.
Club Open Hours:
Every second Friday of the month (7 pm to 9:30 pm)
Every last Sunday of the month (11 am to 4 pm)
Penfield Sporting Association off Woomera Road, Edinburgh Parks, Salisbury
Dusan - President of MMRCSA: 0404 377 693
Email: marklinmrcsa@internode.on.net
Noarlunga Model Railroaders Inc (NMRI)
Started in 1989, a small group of modellers with similar interests set up a club at the home of one member who had built a layout. At that time, they were known as the Reynella Model Railroaders and first displayed their layout in November 1990 at the Reynella Fair.
The formation of an incorporated club followed in 1994. The Noarlunga Model Railroaders Incorporated was formed with a charter to promote the hobby. The membership has steadily grown with many active members, from very young in age to the young in heart, each with their specialty giving our club a very diverse expertise and membership base.
Club Open Hours:
Saturday 12 pm to 5 pm
Tuesdays 7:30 pm to 10 pm
Thursdays 12.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
The 1st Saturday of each month is a Club Open Day from 1 pm to 5 pm.
163 Old South Road, Old Reynella SA 5171
08 8322 7047
Email: admin@noarlungarail.com
SA ProtoFour Group (P4)
The South Australian Protofour Group Inc. is where people interested in fine-scale railway modelling share ideas, techniques and resources and get together to enjoy our great hobby. We’re a bit unusual in that among our members, there is interest in both Australia and Britain prototypes, in scales of 3.5 mm and 4 mm to the foot (1:87 and 1:76).
Club Open Hours: During the day on Tuesdays and Saturdays
Location: Please park in the Tram Museum visitor car park, head to the Toilet Block at the left side and follow the pathway to a Green Shed with a verandah over the door.
Sam Hyde: 0401 125 757
Ron Solly: 0413 565 577
South Australian Railway Modellers’ Association (SARMA)
The South Australian Railway Modellers Association Incorporated was formed in 1957 by a group of modellers interested in advancing all phases of Model Railways throughout the state. SARMA’s clubrooms were in the former apprentice workshops within the Islington Workshops complex.
SARMA has 100+ members and offers membership in Adult, Family, Pensioner, Country and Junior/Student categories. SARMA holds formal general meetings on the second Wednesday of every month, and visitors are most welcome to attend them.
Club Open Hours:
Tuesdays (9 am to 4 pm)
Wednesdays (7 pm to 10 pm)
Corner of Lyons and Balmoral Roads at Dernancourt
08 8411 5500
Email: secretary@sarma.asn.au
South Australian “N” Gauge Society (SANGS)
The South Australian ‘N’ Gauge Society Inc. (SANGS) was formed in November 1983. The objective is to promote N gauge (also known as N scale) model railways and to build a modular layout for club use and exhibition purposes. The first SANGS layout was exhibited at the 1985 Adelaide Model Railway Exhibition. SANGS moved into its own clubroom at Islington in November 1994 and now resides at Semaphore.
Informal clinics are occasionally held, and N-scale magazines, inter-club newsletters, etc, are available for perusal or borrowing by members from the club library.
Club Open Hours:
Every Saturday and most Tuesday evenings
General meeting and running session is held on the first Saturday of every month
118 Fletcher Road, Peterhead.